La-Verne Parris on 3 Steps to End Toxic Relationships!

Step # 1: Self-Love Is the Best Love

I was a notorious over-giver for as long as I can remember. I say notorious, because there was nothing glorious about giving all my energy away to other people. In the past, I literally gave 200 percent of myself to my boyfriends. I lifted them up so high that I completely dropped my own dreams and goals. I helped them obtain Master’s degrees, write doctoral dissertations, and start their own businesses. While “helping” them realize their happiness, I neglected my own. Have you forgotten about your dreams so you could help people make theirs come true? Don’t beat yourself up, I’m living proof that it is never too late to bring your dreams into reality. I started with the first step: loving myself unconditionally – the way I’ve always loved everyone else.

Daily Self-Devotion Mantras: I’ve learned that the key is feeling my energy change as I repeat these mantras throughout my day:

  • I love myself unconditionally.

  • I am beautiful inside and out, intelligent, creative, and productive.

  • I am growing in ways that I never imagined by overcoming my challenges.

Step # 2: No Time to Whine – Believe in Yourself

Once I stopped over-giving, I put my energy into developing complete and unwavering self-belief. It’s an ongoing process that I’m learning to enjoy. I catch my sneaky sabotaging thoughts and transform them into empowering thoughts. Now I get my validation from inside myself. It’s time to shake off the self-doubt, and be steeped in self-belief!

Risks Reap Rewards

Now that I had more time and energy for myself, I jumped into building my business and literally running out of my comfort zone. Wonderful things are happening in my life because I’ve opened myself up to receiving guidance, help and opportunities. As a result, I’ve developed premium products for my clients, I’ve completed two uplifting reality TV show treatments and a groundbreaking children’s TV show.

Step # 3: Project Perseverance:

Being at home with myself fills me with gratitude and excitement. I’m actualizing and finally living my dreams. Ending toxic relationships will give you time to reorganize your schedule and prioritize the goals that make you happy. That’s right, it’s time to clean out your desk, your file cabinet and pull out those project folders that you always wanted to finish. Your mind will be freer; stick with it and you’ll see…THE SKY’S THE LIMIT!

Actualization Agenda: Having an Actualization Agenda is crucial when building your dreams. The time management trick that works for me is making Google folders on my phone, so I can jot down ideas whenever they come to me. When lightning strikes, I like to be ready! Once you start doing this, you’ll be amazed at how much free time you have while you’re waiting for someone, when you’re on line, or just riding public transportation. We all wish we had 48 hours in a day; sadly we don’t. So let’s grab these “pockets of time” and make miracles happen in our lives!!!

Are you ready to be the love of your life?

By La-Verne Parris

About the author

La-Verne Parris, JD, MSc, MEd is an award-winning environmental justice, bioethics, and science educator; a certified life coach; and a self-taught illustrator. Her inspirational writing was featured in the health and happiness bestseller, The Wellness Code. Born in Jamaica but a consummate New Yorker, her humorous and heartbreaking experiences as a single, professional, woman of color—in the world’s most iconic city—shaped her most recent work, the Happiness Handbooks series.

As a lifelong caregiver and creative, La-Verne’s resounding message: “Happiness is a choice” is the foundation of her proven dynamic system that propels caregivers to step into their highest selves and lead rich, fulfilling lives. Understanding the need for facilities to meet and exceed standards, La-Verne tailors her innovative system to transform their caregivers‘ mindsets and behaviors, ensuring that they thrive personally and professionally, while continuing to provide the highest level of care.

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Tobi Ogun
Tobi Ogun
12 days ago

Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world, I’m consistently inspired by your words and encouragement in perpetuity!!!

11 days ago

Excellent piece from an excellent person! You can learn more than a little bit from LV on relationships! Keep it coming!…

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